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A Touch, Vision, and Language Dataset for Multimodal Alignment
Max Fu, Gaurav Datta*, Huang Huang*, Will Panitch*, Jaimyn Drake*, Joseph Ortiz, Mustafa Mukadam, Mike Lambeta, Roberto Calandra, Ken Goldberg
We design and fabricate hardware for collecting aligned tactile and visual scene observations, then use it to curate a dataset of more than 40,000 vision-touch training pairs. Using a combination of human language labels and pseudolabels, we train an aligned tactile encoder and fine-tune a VLM to perform Q&A and understanding tasks based on touch, vision, and language inputs.
SuFIA: Language-Guided Augmented Dexterity for Robotic Surgical Assistants
Masoud Moghani, Lars Doorenbos, Will Panitch, Sean Huver, Mahdi Azizian, Ken Goldberg, Animesh Garg
We present SuFIA, the first framework for natural language-guided augmented dexterity for robotic surgical assistants. SuFIA incorporates the strong reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) with perception modules to implement high-level planning and low-level robot control for surgical sub-task execution. This enables a task-independent approach to surgical augmented dexterity and human-robot teaming.
Automating Deformable Gasket Assembly
Simeon Adebola*, Tara Sadjadpour*, Karim El-Refai*, Will Panitch, Zehan Ma, Roy Lin, Tianshuang Qiu, Shreya Ganti, Charlotte Le, Jaimyn Drake, Ken Goldberg
We formalize the gasket assembly task, in which a flexible component is inserted into a rigid channel to create a tight seal. This task is long horizon, low tolerance, and contact rich, making it challenging to perform in a robotic setting. We then present both a learned (using diffusion policy) and an analytical (using computer vision) method for autonomously performing this task.
Deformable Gasket Assembly
Simeon Adebola*, Tara Sadjadpour*, Karim El-Refai*, Will Panitch, Zehan Ma, Roy Lin, Tianshuang Qiu, Shreya Ganti, Charlotte Le, Jaimyn Drake, Ken Goldberg
We briefly introduce the gasket assembly task, a high-contact industrial assembly problem, and discuss a number of potential autonomous approaches.
Robot-Assisted Vascular Shunt Insertion with the dVRK Surgical Robot
Karthik Dharmarajan* Will Panitch*, Baiyu Shi, Huang Huang, Lawrence Yunliang Chen, Masoud Moghani, Qinxi Yu, Kush Hari, Thomas Low, Danyal Fer, Animesh Garg, Ken Goldberg
We propose an expanded framework for vascular shunt insertion assisted by a commercial robot surgical assistant under various surgical use cases. We further present a physics-based simulation environment for shunt insertion built on top of the NVIDIA Isaac-ORBIT simulator and a dataset of insertion trajectories collected using the environment. We then use the framework to demonstrate autonomous vascular shunt insertion with the dVRK robot in a realistic vessel phantom.
A Trimodal Framework for Robot-Assisted Vascular Shunt Insertion When a Supervising Surgeon is Local, Remote, or Unavailable
Karthik Dharmarajan* Will Panitch*, Baiyu Shi, Huang Huang, Lawrence Yunliang Chen, Thomas Low, Danyal Fer, Ken Goldberg
We develop a robotic system to autonomously assist in vascular shunt insertion, a common surgical procedure requiring a surgeon-and-surgical-assistant team performed to temporarily restore blood flow to damaged tissues. We consider three scenarios: (1) a surgeon is available locally; (2) a remote surgeon is available via teleoperation; (3) no surgeon is available. In each scenario, the robot operates in a different mode, either by teleoperation or automation, to perform the missing functions.
3-D Localization of Micromanipulators Using Microscopy for Autonomous Visual Servoing
Ryan Mei, Will Panitch, Laura Waller
We rapidly determine the 3-D position of a glass-pipette micromanipulator using color-coded illumination and DPC optical microscopy, then demonstrate the potential for autonomous visual servoing and multi-manipulator systems for highly parallelized cell manipulation using the proporsed localization method as a feedback controller.
>    This list contains some of the published, peer-reviewed papers that I've been lucky enough to work on. By far the best part of research is the opportunity to collaborate with and learn from some of the smartest, most interesting people in the world. All of these papers would not have been possible without my super cool co-authors, and I hope that you check out their work as well if you find anything here of interest.
STITCH: An Augmented Dexterity Algorithm for Suture Throws  Involving Thread Management, Cinching, and Handover
Kush Hari*, Hansoul Kim*, Will Panitch*, Kishore Srinivas, Vincent Schorp, Karthik Dharmarajan, Shreya Ganti, Tara Sadjadpour, Ken Goldberg
We teach a surgical robot to autonomously close wounds in dermal tissue using a simple running suture. To allow for the millimeter-level precision necessary to complete this task, we design a novel visual state-estimation and servoing pipeline using an optical flow-based stereo vision model, learned image segmentation. and RANSAC geometry fitting in point cloud space. Our system demonstrates the ability to close raised, planar wounds without human intervention.
In-Context Imitation Learning by Prompting with Sensorimotor Trajectories
Max Fu, Gaurav Datta*, Huang Huang*, Will Panitch*, Jaimyn Drake*, Joseph Ortiz, Mustafa Mukadam, Mike Lambeta, Roberto Calandra, Ken Goldberg
Inspired by language models' strong in-context learning capabilities, where models can answer questions based on similar prompts without further training or fine-tuning, we attempt to cast imitation learning as an in-context learning problem. In particular, we concatenate different trajectories of the same task and train a multi-modal sequence model. At inference time, we prompt the model with a trajectory on a new task and the model performs the same task in a different environment configuration from the prompt, and demonstrate that this is sufficient for acquiring many previously unseen motor tasks.
ORBIT-Surgical: An Open-Simulation Framework for Accelerated Learning Environments in Surgical Autonomy
Qinxi Yu, Masoud Moghani, Karthik Dharmarajan, Vincent Schorp, Will Panitch, Jingzhou Liu, Kush Hari, Huang Huang, Mayank Mittal, Ken Goldberg, Animesh Garg
We present ORBIT-Surgical, a physics-based surgical robot simulation framework with photorealistic rendering in NVIDIA Omniverse. We provide 14 benchmark surgical training tasks for the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) and Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot (STAR). ORBIT-Surgical leverages GPU parallelization to train reinforcement learning and imitation learning algorithms. We also demonstrate sim-to-real transfer of policies learned in ORBIT-Surgical onto a physical dVRK robot.
Self-Supervised Learning for Interactive Perception of Thread for Autonomous Tail-Shortening
Vincent Schorp, Will Panitch, Kaushik Shivakumar, Vainavi Viswanath, Justin Kerr, Yahav Avigal, Danyal Fer, Lionel Ott, Ken Goldberg
We present a machine learning method for tracking and tracing thread in 3D which is robust to occlusions and complex configurations, and apply it to autonomously perform the "tail-shortening" task: pulling thread through an insertion point until a desired "tail" length remains exposed.
Automating Vascular Shunt Insertion with the dVRK Surgical Robot
Karthik Dharmarajan*, Will Panitch*, Muyan Jiang, Kishore Srinivas, Baiyu Shi, Yahav Avigal, Huang Huang, Thomas Low, Danyal Fer, Ken Goldberg
We propose a pipeline to autonomously insert a rigid object into a similar-diameter flexible tube, as in shunting and deformable assembly tasks. We use a learned visual model and an ensemble of imitation learners to grasp and dilate the flexible rim, then use a chamfer tilt followed by a screw motion to insert the rigid body.
A Digital Twin Framework for Telesurgery in the Presence of Varying Network Quality
Sophea Bonne*, Will Panitch*, Karthik Dharmarajan*, Kishore Srinivas*, Jerri-Lynn Kincade, Thomas Low, Bruce Knoth, Cregg Cowan, Dan Fer, Brijen Thananjeyan, Justin Kerr, Jeffrey Ichnowski, Ken Goldberg
We develop a "digital twin," a 3D simulator that actively mirrors a real environment, for the FLS peg transfer training task, and present a framework that enables a teleoperator to perform this task over unstable or low-bandwidth communication channels using the digital twin. The operator remotely controls the simulated robot, which abstracts their motions into commands and transmits them to the real robot for semi-autonomous execution, then updates the simulator to match the real state of the pegboard.